... the Cohen family packs up the bookmobile and heads for their annual vacation in Ogunquit, Maine. Look for the blog to return in a week or two, sunburnt but rested.
PS Talk among yourselves while I'm gone. There's no reason the dialogue can't continue. And I do hope to have internet access, at least from time to time.
PPS If anyone would like to do a guest post, email me (jeffreyjeromecohen[at]gmail.com). I'm happy to turn over the keys ... err, password.
And the conversation does continue ... see the burgeoning comments in "A Reply to Emile Blauche"
Can we make requests for guests posters?
What do you suppose Steve Kruger or Sylvia Tomasch are up to?
Steve, if you are reading this and would like the keys to the blogdom, let me know ....
Karl, maybe when you are less exhausted you'll do it? Later in the summer?
Oh, I'm not exhausted anymore. Never as busy as I am when there's nothing to do but write the diss, thank FSM.
I'd be as honored as heck to write something for this in a bit, but as August is partially the honeymoon (Hawaii! Wifey has her business trip w/ brief, minimal responsibilities; I tag along; and then we stay there for a week+), I'd have to say a tentative: maaaaybe. If Eileen Joy didn't have her own place, I'd step aside in a second for her.
BTW Just hit the bit in Spectral Jew on the mass suicides of 1096: up to that point, I could see every good argument developing on the basis on current approaches to difference, the body, &c, but that bit I didn't see coming at all. So Steve, if you're reading this: bravo. You knocked my socks off.
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