Friday, November 24, 2006

Please keep "Emile Blauche" in your good thoughts

An anonymous but, I believe, reliable informant writes:
I'm afraid I have some very sad news. Emile has suffered a massive heart attack, and is in a coma state.

I called his cell phone this morning and it was answered by his spouse who told me that emile was working at the ER (where he does psychology consults) and collapsed at about 4:30 this morning. The prognosis is not good. The sound of emile's daughter (age 7) crying in the background was overwhelming.

Why am I posting this here? Well, for the reason that emile would have wanted it. I had a conversation with him about two weeks ago in which he talked about his journal, and he said, "You know I was journaling about my experiences there [this blog], and I know they think I'm a complete asshole, but I really hold the lot in high regard." Then he said, "I hope I can convey that at the right time."

Maybe now is the right time.

I cannot as yet verify this information, but I also cannot imagine that it is not accurate: Emile does psychology consults at an ER, he has a beautiful seven year old daughter ... we know how much he in fact cares about the profession and, yes, intellectual spaces like this blog. I ask readers to please think of him and his family at this time.

Very sad news, indeed.


  1. What shocking and sad news! I'd love to be able to send him a card, or, rather, send his family a card, but I hope that he will be able to read soon. If anyone who knows can email me his address, I'd very much appreciate it.

    How terrible!

  2. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Terrible news indeed. I'm at a loss for words. Here's thinking positive thoughts his way.

  3. As of 9 PM on 11/24 I still cannot verify this post, though I will say that many of Emile's friends are deeply concerned and have been unable to reach him.

  4. 10 PM. I would ask that the anonymous commenter from this morning please email me directly to verify the post. I've been on email and the phone with many of Emile's friends; we are all very worried and upset, and have been unable to reach him. I'm asking this on behalf of all of us.

    Thank you.

  5. JJC--thank you very much for asking the anonymous poster for more information. I have hesitated to post anything because I practically went into apopleptic shock when I first read that message and then all I could think about was whether or not it might be false information. I have been afraid to call Emile B. myself for fear of upsetting his family; at the same time, I am worried this is some kind of sick hoax. Frankly, I almost wish it is a hoax; if not, I am shocked and upset beyond words.

  6. Thanks for making those calls, JJC. Hope to hear more, I hope better news.

    and I know they think I'm a complete asshole,

    I hope the person who wrote this isn't beyond all hearing; I hope this comment won't be able to function, at least not now, as a eulogy: but I should say, absolutely not. In a world all too crowded with people who believe in torture as a non-negotiable necessity for politics, all too crowded with people who mean to sacrifice the world to their profits, all too crowded with people who would be all to eager to kill in response to the disagreements we've had on this blog, nothing you did, EB, attained (descended to?) the level of "complete asshole." Disagreeable and disruptive, yes, but that was no doubt your purpose, and I don't doubt that you had some ethical project even, or especially, at those moments.

  7. Seems to me this blog badly needs a change of gear - as the relationship between real and virtual lives is worked through. My symphathy to all involved in that process.

    Fascinating article and discussion on the Heritability of Belief - on the blog 'Overcoming Bias' associated with the Future of Humanity Institute.

    So far as I can tell no humanists have joined the debate - but surely overcoming bias is (or used to be) part of our stock-in-trade.

  8. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Maybe, not a complete asshole, but an asshole who doesn't appreciate people who have done good things for him in the past. Doesn't mean he deserves a horrible end. I do hope for the best for he and his family.

  9. Anon: all ends are horrible. And I don't think that now's an appropriate time to call EB an ingrate.

  10. Everyone, I am still trying to track down reliable information. I think we should hold off posting about Emile for a while and get this figured out. I don't want to add anything until I have more certainty, which I hope to have soon.

    Thanks, one and all.

  11. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Former graduate student of "Emile" with news, good news, actually. He had surgery this morning in Houston--following an angioplasty in Austin--and according to the docs is doing well. This is second-hand (but reliable), and I volunteered to pass it along. He wants his privacy respected, but I also know he would not mind if his status was made known.

  12. Good news! Multiple sources confirm that Emile is out of surgery and in recovery.

    Let's all hope he has a good prognosis and makes a rapid return to health.


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