Washington DC residents are currently enjoying six months of Shakespeare in Washington. (Will the day ever come when we have Marie

Local readers of ITM may be interested in the fact that I will be presenting on Richard III as lovable loathable monster as part the Shakespeare Theatre Company's "Windows Discussion," held in tandem with a new production of the play by Michael Kahn. You can find out more about both by following the links.
I can't even begin to express how jealous I am! R3 is my favourite (well, tied with Macbeth and Much Ado), and I'm stuck on the wrong side of the pond (which is sort of a strange thing to be saying about Shakespeare when one is in England).
Will you be posting something about what you say when it's over? I, for one, would love to "hear" your thoughts.
Sadly, what I say will be so banal that it isn't worth posting. But thanks for your interest!
I thought you were trying to encourage blog readers to attend. ;-)
In this case I think the event will be better than any of its individual parts! I'm just one presenter -- otehrs will talk about the artistic design of the current production, what got left out and why, etc.
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