Thanks to John Walter, over at
Machina Memorialis,
In The Middle has been designated [or "tagged"] as a Thinking Blog. How cool is that? Well, I've always thought
Machina Memorialis was the same. So, "word," JP.
Who else might we nominate as Thinking Bloggers? The criteria are
Completely biased and self-interested suggestion this.
As they say in the run up to the Oscars. Ahem: for your consideration. The Valve.
I do, agree, Adam, that The Valve is definitely a thinking thinker's blog par excellence. I would also nominate Jodi Dean's I Cite and the group blog Long Sunday and SEK's Acephalous. I'm not too fond, however, about how conversations at all of the blogs I just mentioned occasionally devolve to "i spit on your grave"-type slugfests, typically between the usual suspects, yourself excluded. Within medieval studies, I'm partial to the "arty thought-iness" of Old English in New York.
I would second I Cite and add K-Punk and Redemption(s): Notes on the Future.
Happy Easter everyone.
i already got one ...!
Well, I'm a huge fan of Amanda Marcotte at Pandagon. Amardeep Singh, too. Crooked Timber.
Any coincidence that the photograph that accompanies this post is of the statue in front of Columbia University's Philosophy Hall?
I would nominate Mary Beard's 'A Don's Life' - which manages to be 'thinking' and 'accessible' at the same time - and continually and urgently links past and the future.
happily no longer n50 - the n fell off in the Thames at Butlers' Wharf (not far from Fagin's lair) on Good Friday - and what a good Friday it was.
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