Monday, May 14, 2007

My Retraction/Retreating/Retracing

Its time for me to say goodbye to In the Middle (the front pages at least) and I would like to thank Jeffrey, Eileen, Karl, and all the readers of ITM for their hospitality towards someone who is not a medievalist, an academic, or a blogger. Your eyes and ears made me feel very welcome here. If anything I said displeased or offended, well, put it down to the fact that I am offensive.




  1. Say it ain't so, Joe. I can honestly say that if you had not shown up here when you did I would not, at this moment, possess a coherent sense of exactly where I want to go with certain avenues of scholarship and with BABEL. Your take on queer studies is amazing and humane and loving, and those who don't like neologisms be damned. You're the poet of queer studies as event-to-come. Please keep lurking and commenting, and I hope, wherever you are, thriving.

  2. Jeebus, M O'R. You don't want to keep a toe in? Not even a once-a-month sort of thing?

  3. Michael, as you know the blog is always open to you.

    Thanks for your intervention -- it's been great!


  4. PS Just want to second Eileen's endorsement. You forced me into a long delayed encounter with Edelman's work, for example, and helped me grope (remember how you used that Chaucerian word?) for a vocabulary for moving away from it towards a more affirmative practice of queer theory ... and theory generally.

  5. You guys are so kind. I'll continue to lurk and try to offer the odd grope, maybe even lob the odd grenade!

  6. P.S. I will be on a US tour in November giving talks in Illinois, Chicago and Miami, Ohio hopefully. Where Take That failed I will succeed. Maybe.

  7. As a (too) regular reader I would like to thank you too. I hope your lecture tour is successful and enriching in all kinds of ways.


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