I now have to run off and sweep up the large denomination bills that have been toppling from my pocket. My kids need some spending money for the day. Oh wait, to retain the cushiness of my job I think I'll call some graduate students and have them perform the labor. It's six in the morning, they'll be up...
Karl Steel, an assistant professor of English at Brooklyn College, has published a critique of the magazine’s analysis.
Published a critique? More like "held off on breakfast for 20 minutes while I banged out a letter." Thanks for the link, yes, but lord, do read Jeffrey's day-in-the-life of a chair, linked below. It will make you laugh. Forever.
Look at the audience's response: "That may be NYU, Charlie. I don’t think it's Saint Anselm."
Time to get some profs to cut me in on the action!
When you come to my house Friday, Liza, you are very welcome to assist in the process of picking up my fallen large denomination bills, as described in the post. Grad students at NYU don't get to do THAT, do they?
Karl, it's always the posts composed before the morning bowl of cereal that are most truthful. Your letter was quite eloquent, and is obviously doing its work.
The Faculty on Food Stamps video may be instructive here...
Marc Bousquet
Truthful? I don't want truth; I want eloquence (in both senses of the word want).
I love the 2 profs making $100K anecdote. Maybe Burger and Kruger? The Pattersons? Stanley Fish and his Ego, God Bless It?
I do wish, now that this letter's getting read, that I had mentioned Bérubé's What's Liberal About the Liberal Arts, as that's the perfect exemplar of what I was trying to do.
JJC: happy to help. Do I get to keep a couple?
Karl: your deserved fame is spreading to the early modern blogging community!
Hey -- I'm just a humble assistant prof, and I could use some of those bills!
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