Friday, February 22, 2008

Festive Friday: Warning Signs

Nothing here today, folks: a smallish ice storm keeps me trapped at home with smallish offspring. But if you are bored, check out this nifty site .... and email me your clever signs [jeffreyjeromecohen [at] gmail [dot] com] . I'll post them as the day progresses.

from Dan Kline:

from Eileen:

from Liza:

from MKH:

from Dr Virago:

from Chaucer:

from Karl:

from Adam Roberts:

from Alun Salt:


  1. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]

  2. Hmmm, GC, how about this:

  3. Grant merci, Karole, for yower helpe. Trewely, ich haue no mastrye of ymage-hosting and the linkes thereof! It beth of moore difficultee than the werking of an abacus.

    Le Vostre

  4. Ooh, I like the mermaid one -- bravo MKH!

  5. Ooh, MKH, love the Dr. Who one!

  6. Karl, you *sooo* beat me to it!

  7. DTK: Given your love of kankedort, I would have bet Chaucer beat you to it!

    (And Chaucer's, by the way, wins hands down so far as I'm concerned. I love the poetry of Eileen's signs, but the juxtaposition of image and word in the Chaucer, and how it invokes the impossible word, is perfect.)

    here is another medieval (think: anti-mendicant) sign. If someone can find a disembodied arm, there's a Beowulf sign to be made...

  8. It is funny how each sign revealed the personality of its maker so perfectly. And I say that about each and every one.

  9. It is funny how each sign revealed the personality of its maker so perfectly. And I say that about each and every one.

    Er, I'm afraid of what that means for me. That I can't decide whether to be silly or serious?

  10. DrV: Signs point to ... yes.

    And note the indecisiveness within your comment about your indecisiveness.

  11. Ooh, me next! That I have a penchant for whatever in the way of fabliau the world has to offer me?

  12. That you pay close attention in my class and have a wicked sense of humor and a desire to be analyzed.

  13. Or, I really like your analyses -- that would explain (1) and (3).

  14. So clearly this all means I'm a geek who is not only not particularly worried that I'm geek, but who will also go out of her way to be as geeky as possible.

    In case the signs don't prove it, I've been scouring the internet for nearly 30 minutes trying to find an adequate "no mearcstepende here" or "please disarm your monster" icon, Karl.

    Dr. V -- Yay! Someone else who knows my geeky references!


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