Thursday, March 27, 2008


The Cohens board the 10AM Vamoose bus and arrive in NYC later this afternoon ... for what looks like a wet, windy and cold weekend. We're happy all the same that we'll be seeing so many friends. For their birthdays we even let each child pick a show: Little Mermaid for the soon to be four year old (why do I keep thinking that the only way to make that one interesting is to do it as transvestite theatre?), Blue Man Group for the cusp-of-eleven boy.

We may return with pneumonia, but we'll also be fatter and less rested. That can't be bad.


  1. I note with wonder that your visit coincides in some deeply symbolic way with a Monster Conference.

  2. A coincidence! A mere coincidence! I didn't discover this conference until long after the Cohen dance card had become completely full.

  3. Can't wait to meet up -- happy Vamoosing!

    Next time you come visit, let's have you give a talk to NYU while you're at it, yes?


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