I was in the crowd of virgins in the temple at Aulis when your father plunged his dagger into your heart. My therapist tells me I have a thing for sacrificial victims, but I can’t help myself. Is this so wrong?
Some readers may recall a short story I wrote expressly for In The Middle just this past winter, "Personals for the Fictionally Forlorn." The story has been revised and expanded [to include entries for Edmund from King Lear and Anna Karenina] and is now published in old-fashioned print in the Spring 2009 issue of the literary journal Sou'wester. The fiction editor, Valerie Vogrin, is extending a free copy of the issue, which she will happily mail by the antique method of postal conveyance, to any readers of In The Middle or members of the BABEL Working Group who might be interested. Any and all requests can be sent to her at: vvogrin@siue.edu.
1 comment:
I've already received my copy! I'm very much looking forward to reading it.
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