Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why the Humanities Prepare You for Most Any Future, Part the 1000th

by J J Cohen

Bachelor of Arts in Literature, McGill University (1994)

Bachelor of Education University of British Columbia (1998)

Teacher of Drama, French, English, Social Studies, and Math (1999-2002)

Prime Minister of Canada (2015)


Heidi Marx said...

I read this morning that he was also a snow boarding instructor to boot!

Jeffrey Cohen said...

Lots of people have been making that comment on Facebook. I take the point (it really helps to have political connections if you want to be a politician!) but the point I was trying to make in this post is a broader one: Trudeau is well prepared for a career as a Liberal PM by his training in the liberal arts. At a time when the humanities get dumped on and also cannot resist their tendency to self-flagellate, that deserves celebration.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget billionaire and former Treasury secretary Hank Paulson (A.B. English, Dartmouth '68)